Acupuncture originated in ancient China. It is the oldest continually practiced health system in the world, and it is practiced today in almost every country.
To the traditional acupuncturist, the life energy that flows through the body is called ch'i or qi (pronounced chee). That energy flows in channels through the body like rivers and streams do in nature. When the energy flows freely, health flourishes. Or you can think of it the other way around: when illness occurs, the energy is blocked.
Illness, injury and even everyday stresses like deadlines and disappointments can disrupt the harmonious movement of energy. Stresses can compound over time, leading to symptoms later. If an underlying problem is not addressed, more serious problems can occur later. Treatment can ease current, chronic or acute conditions.
The acupuncturist is trained to recognize hundreds of precise points at which blockages can occur. Slender, sterile, one-time-use needles are inserted to stimulate these points and remove the blockages. By influencing the qi at these points, the practitioner encourages the body's innate healing power to restore equilibrium to your whole being.
The traditional acupuncturist treats the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Each person represents a totally unique combination of influences; as a result, each person's treatment is tailored just for them. In other words, five people coming in with a headache will probably receive five different treatments. In this way, you are treated as a whole person, not as a headache.